Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment 3


  1. LOL. I don't know if this is supposed to be a sexual reference or if I'm just seeing it that way but it definitely looks like a very common hand gesture that references sex. Either way, what I can see is that he is seated indoors, at what appears to be the U of A. He's doing his math homework and has his apple laptop in front of him. The interior surroundings have been left out so it is difficult to determine the exact setting of the photograph.

    Perhaps he is gesturing a math related question to the photographer.

  2. The photograph is framed tightly enough to have the subject command full attention from the viewer. It appears that he is a student explaining a math or science related problem, which is supported by the paper on the table. His eye contact is effective in that it creates a connection between the subject and viewer. Though I did not see it before, after reading Amir's comment, I agree that the hand gesture could be interpreted as a sexual innuendo.

  3. I definitely saw the sexual reference right away but once i looked further realized it actually isn't. I am not sure what he is referencing though, but he seems very interested in whatever he is talking about versus his calculus homework. I really like the light coming in on the left side and the fact that the subject catches your eye immediately though the background is busy.

  4. I too found this image to be kind of funny. I can tell that the subject in the photograph is explaining something, but it is hard to tell if it might be related to the book in front of him or not The things that I can tell from this photo are: the subject is seemingly doing homework or studying, they are in a public forum that looks like somewhere other than the library, and it is close to the middle of the day judging by the light. I fiund the way in which his is sitting to be interesting, and I think that probably shows something about his personality. This was an interesting detail to capture.

  5. My favorite aspect of the image is its sharp quality. The combination of the playful (if suggestive) pose of the subject and the items in front of him speaks volumes about this person. He is a student, either doing work for a gen-ed course or he is some form of math or accounting major (judging by the papers next to his laptop. He is obviously young, and his pose implies a humorous demeanor. I like that he is engaging the camera and by extension the viewer, it helps to create a sense of connection with the subject.

  6. The subject is the dominant feature of this picture. The hand gesture he is making is ambiguous as to what it means. However because he is doing his math homework you can draw that perhaps it is a math related gesture. His face makes it seem like he is explaining something and the light behind him shows that this is at sometime in the middle of the day.

  7. This guy is trying to explain some math concept. I think this image was very successful in capturing this person, space and moment in time. I love the light that play across the guys face. The angle makes him almost seem larger than life and I'm very interested in his hand movements.

  8. Considering the context of the space and the math book this image feels like a view in a discussion with someone whose very enthusiastic about what they are talking about. The movement in his hand gesture adds to the liveliness of it and the tight cropping/direct eyes contact engage the viewer to make them (me) feel present. The possible layers behind the hand gesture could be problematic or It might make the photo... haven't decided yet.
