The images I chose hold no intrinsic value, they are not specific to me but their forms are symbolic. I wanted figures that could be used as an alphabet, as a cast of characters with which to depict stories, memories, meaning and forge a language of interpretation for my new life.
These forms, while mostly impersonal, capture concepts that I thought would become obsolete in a small empty room- such as the simple act of looking up, textures and other tactile experiences, daylight and expanse, the shadow/shell aspect to a body, an appreciation of the body, and a text which I could read and was coupled with a few objects forged from the earth. The box contains symbols of social practices that I would no longer have a chance to participate in such as marriage, travel, music, unhealthy vices, and art. The last photograph is the unknown, pure form which would resonate with me to a greater degree in a void of interaction. I see the content of these images not as important, but as tools with which to explore inner/outer space.
Nice "seeing" ... the majority of these images say something.