Graciela Iturbide’s image of the woman with boombox and trailing hair.
In the black and white image of the rushing woman there is strong contrast between the dark tones of her upper body and the white sky against which she stands out as a near silhouette. The subjects are of rich and varied texture, from the rough rock and dried leaves of a bush in the foreground to the thick cloth of the woman’s skirt and her soft flowing hair in the middle ground. Mountains recede into the background, and the repetition of small plants fills the expanse of the right side of the image. The woman’s arms are raised up and bits of sky peak out from beneath them. One side of the boombox she is carrying is illuminated by the sun, casting a small triangle shadow on her skirt. Her dark hand holds the boombox as naturally as it does the other unrecognizable object in her left hand which creates a sense of mystery in the image.
My first impression was excitement and a sense of peace. I love the vantage point of rounding a corner with the woman and the space opening up. Because we are coming from a familiar place and a human scale and moving into a flat plane I feel that she is leading me somewhere. She is both grounded- rising organically from the rocks and completely in motion. I want to touch her hair and the folds of her skirt which are like petals of a flower.
The woman is hurrying somewhere, she goes with purpose. Her posture connotes resolve- she is forging ahead as if nothing could stand in her way. The folds of her skirt are slightly billowing with her movement and also perhaps a slight gust of wind has blown her hair back as she rounds the bend. Maybe she is bringing music to the quiet desert. The artist created this image to show the woman whose presence is natural but at ease with an object of technology, of music. Music is as old as civilization, as old as birds. But the boombox is new, and without it the photograph could not be dated. Something I learned from this work that I could apply to my own is that it is okay to preserve a sense of mystery and leave the audience with a question. This image does not even show the subject’s face yet her demeanor, her determination, and her poise are perfectly communicated. I would love to make an image that is so beautiful and whose formal elements are so strong that it allows for the life of the image- its essence and purity- to resonate.